If you work in the medical field and have skills you can contribute to our students and their families, please consider joining Hope for Haiti’s Children for a medical mission trip.

Common disorders we see include asthma, scabies, ringworm, bronchitis, superficial wounds, high blood pressure, arthritis, myopia, cataracts, anemia, poor dentition, allergies etc

Many of our patients come back for routine follow-ups. Adults with high blood pressure are aware that they need to recheck their blood pressure and get a refill of their medications. Children with asthma are brought back to recheck their lungs and to obtain new inhalers to continue their treatment.

In case you were wondering if your services are really needed – they are! The community always knows when the clinics are open through word of mouth, and they stand in line to be seen from sunrise to sunset! We never have too many volunteers or too many medications.

Our volunteers love helping with our medical mission trips because they find it rewarding and a chance to interact on a deeper level with the Haitian community. For more information on how to volunteer for a medical mission trip or to donate medications, please contact us at hope4haitischildren@gmail.com